Friday, January 29, 2010

Quick Note

For all of you JD Souther fans, like myself, out there, got an email notice today about a live concert broadcast tomorrow, as follows:

"If you can't make it to tomorrow night's show (1/30) at the Narrow Center in Fall River, MA - then, don't miss a unique opportunity to hear the show live from your computer.

Visit to tune in. Show begins streaming at 7:45 est."

If the venue sounds vaguely familiar, it's because Chad and Jeremy played there this past September. We didn't get a live broadcast from that, and though I didn't know that broadcasts would be forthcoming from that venue, now I wonder why we didn't. No interest? Too expensive? I know that with their limited touring schedule, a lot of people are probably dying to hear a show that they'll never be able to attend, simply because of logistics. Might have been a great opportunity to make some dreams come true. Ah well, maybe this year something nice like this will come along. And if it does, you won't hear about it here first :).

In any case, be sure to catch JD tomorrow night if you can. His show from Nashville a week or so back was good one, as is his recent live EP. You can sign up for JD updates here:

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